Roblox Reach Script, Direct Copy & Free Download (2024)

Welcome to our article! We hope everything is going well for you. Roblox Reach Script may greatly improve your game experience. Stay with us if you’re interested in this script. After you’ve finished reading, you may download or copy your favorite script to take your Roblox gameplay to the next level. Explore the amazing world of Roblox Reach Scripts now and improve your gameplay experience.”

Roblox Reach Script, Direct Copy & Free Download (1)
Script NameRoblox Reach Script
Use OptionsCopy & Download
Update Date02.09.2023

Click To Copy

 getgenv().Circle = { ["Size"] = 10, ["Enabled"] = true, ["Random FTI"] = false, ["Whitelisted Limbs"] = {"Left Arm","Right Arm","Left Leg","Right Leg","Head","Torso","HumanoidRootPart"}}getgenv().Configuration = { ["Active"] = true, ["Increase Size"] = 0.25, ["Decrease Size"] = 0.25, ["Notifications"] = true, ["Auto Clicker"] = false, ["Transparency Check"] = false, ["Team Check"] = false, ["Fake Handle FTI"] = false -- if true, will only trigger if a fake handle is present (use for advanced antis)}getgenv().Keybinds = { ["Toggle Reach"] = "R", ["Toggle AC"] = "E", ["Increase Reach"] = "J", ["Decrease Reach"] = "K", ["Toggle Script"] = "Z", ["Notifications Toggle"] = "N", ["Fake Handle FTI Toggle"] = "F"}local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")local Players = game:GetService("Players")local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayerlocal function SendNotification(Ti,Te) StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title = tostring(Ti), Text = tostring(Te)})endlocal Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key) if key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Toggle Reach"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Circle["Enabled"] = not getgenv().Circle["Enabled"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Reach = "..tostring(getgenv().Circle["Enabled"])) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Toggle AC"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","AutoClicker = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"])) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Fake Handle FTI Toggle"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Fake Handle FTI = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"])) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Increase Reach"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Circle["Size"] = getgenv().Circle["Size"] + getgenv().Configuration["Increase Size"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Size = "..getgenv().Circle["Size"]) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Decrease Reach"]) then if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end getgenv().Circle["Size"] = getgenv().Circle["Size"] - getgenv().Configuration["Decrease Size"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Size = "..getgenv().Circle["Size"]) end elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Notifications Toggle"]) then getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Notifications = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"])) elseif key == string.lower(getgenv().Keybinds["Toggle Script"]) then getgenv().Configuration["Active"] = not getgenv().Configuration["Active"] if getgenv().Configuration["Notifications"] == true then SendNotification("Xen-Zone","Script = "..tostring(getgenv().Configuration["Active"])) end endend)hookfunction(gcinfo or collectgarbage, function(...) if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end return math.random(200,400)end)local HPHook;HPHook = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(H, HP) if not checkcaller() then if tostring(H) == "Humanoid" and tostring(HP) == "Health" then return 0 end end return HPHook(H, HP)end)local HitParts = {}local t = tick()local FTI = function(hit,handle) local Humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if Humanoid and Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and hit.Parent.Name ~= LocalPlayer.Character.Name then if getgenv().Configuration["Transparency Check"] == true then if hit.Transparency > 0.8 then return end end local Region = +,-1,-1), handle.Position +,1,1)) local InRegion = game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartsInRegion3(Region) if getgenv().Configuration["Fake Handle FTI"] then for _,v in pairs(InRegion) do if v:IsA("Part") and v:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") and v.Name ~= "Handle" then if getgenv().Circle["Random FTI"] == true then for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then if not table.find(HitParts,parts.Name) then if #HitParts >= 6 then table.clear(HitParts) end table.insert(HitParts,parts.Name) if math.abs(tick() - t) < 0.05 then return end t = tick() firetouchinterest(parts,handle,0) firetouchinterest(parts,handle,1) firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end else for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then firetouchinterest(parts,handle,0) firetouchinterest(parts,handle,1) firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end end end else for _,v in pairs(InRegion) do if v:IsA("Part") and v:FindFirstChildOfClass("TouchTransmitter") then if getgenv().Circle["Random FTI"] == true then for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then if not table.find(HitParts,parts.Name) then if #HitParts >= 6 then table.clear(HitParts) end table.insert(HitParts,parts.Name) if math.abs(tick() - t) < 0.05 then return end t = tick() firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end else for i,parts in pairs(hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do if parts:IsA("Part") then if table.find(getgenv().Circle["Whitelisted Limbs"],parts.Name) then firetouchinterest(parts,v,0) firetouchinterest(parts,v,1) end end end end end end end endendlocal IsTeam = function(Player) if Player.Team == LocalPlayer.Team then return true else return false endendgame:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if getgenv().Configuration["Active"] == false then return end if getgenv().Circle["Enabled"] == false then return end local Tool = LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") if Tool then if getgenv().Configuration["Auto Clicker"] and LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then Tool:Activate() Tool:Activate() end local Handle = Tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") if Handle then local Size = getgenv().Circle["Size"] if getgenv().Configuration["Team Check"] == true then for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do if IsTeam(v) == false then local HRP = v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if HRP then local Distance = (HRP.Position - Handle.Position).Magnitude if Distance <= Size then FTI(HRP,Handle) end end end end else for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local HRP = v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if HRP then local Distance = (HRP.Position - Handle.Position).Magnitude if Distance <= Size then FTI(HRP,Handle) end end end end end endend)

Here’s a step-by-step guide to using the Roblox Reach Script from Pastebin:

  • Click on the “COPY” button to automatically copy the script.
  • Paste the copied script into your script application.
  • Run the script and you’re all set.

These simple instructions allow players to quickly and easily utilize the script to enhance their Roblox Reach Script gaming experience.

If you are unable to copy or you do not want to use this script now, then you can download this script, click on the download button below to download.

Also Read:Owl Hub Big Paintball

What is the Roblox Reach Script?

Roblox reach scripts are Lua-based scripts that use Roblox API calls to provide in-game interaction. They do different actions after being injected into the game. YouTube videos about Roblox reach scripts are accessible to learn more. The “Steal Time From Others” script, for example, gives reach and other benefits. Keep in mind that game changes might have an impact on script functioning, perhaps leaving certain scripts outdated. When utilizing such scripts, always use caution and adhere to Roblox’s terms of service.

Also Read:Nukermode Script (Da Hood)

Relative You tube Video

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The Roblox game is already quite exciting level by level, and scripts play a significant role in improving the gaming experience. As you can see from the above paragraph, we are providing The Roblox Reach Script direct copy option, as well as a download facility. We hope you now understand this incredible knowledge.

Roblox Reach Script, Direct Copy & Free Download (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.